Blueberry Overnight Oats

We all love to have a delicious breakfast to start our day, but sometimes it's hard to find time for something that's both nutritious and delicious. Make these Blueberry Overnight Oats for a breakfast that's easy to make and eat on the go!

What you'll need: 

– Quick Cooking Oats – Full-Fat Greek Yogurt – Whole Milk – Sweetener of choice – Fruit of choice

For the Blueberry Overnight Oats

1. Mix all ingredients except the fruit together in a bowl.  2. Add milk of choice or water until it is sloshing about. 3. Taste for sweetness and adjust as needed. 4. Place into individual jars and add fruit on top. 5. Refrigerate overnight.

For whole recipe and other nutritional information, click the link below!