Easy Indian Carrot Salad



Make this delicious Carrot Salad for a simple and light side dish. You can make this Indian salad recipe two ways, both of which are absolutely delectable!

What You'll Need

– Shredded Carrots – Cilantro – Dry Roasted Peanuts – Kosher Salt – Sugar – Oil – Black Mustard Seeds – Turmeric – Lemon



How to Make Easy Indian Carrot Salad

1. Place the carrots in a microwave-safe bowl and steam them for 1-2 minutes to soften slightly. 2. Chop the cilantro and peanuts into a very fine dice.  3. Combine the carrots, cilantro, peanuts, salt and sugar. 4. Heat the oil until it is hot and shimmering.


How to Make Easy Indian Carrot Salad

5. Place the mustard and cumin seeds in the bowl and allow them to sputter about 30 seconds. 6. Add in the turmeric and stir quickly. 7. Pour the oil over the carrots and mix well. 8. You can either mix in lemon juice into this salad, or you can mix in yogurt. Chill and serve.


For whole recipe and other nutritional information, click the link below!